Did you know that joining or creating on-campus clubs could be the key to getting into the college of your dreams?

College admissions officers are not only interested in your grades and test scores. They also want to see well-rounded applicants who demonstrate leadership, collaboration, and dedication to their interests. By participating in or establishing clubs at your high school, you can make a powerful impression on your college applications.

Of course, that’s not the only reason to participate in club life. It’s also an opportunity to have fun, and meet people that share your interests!

Clubs can be a platform to explore your passions, make new friends, and build a strong support network. These are experiences that can also help prepare you for the next chapter of life by giving you the skills to become a well-rounded and successful individual, both academically and personally.

Can’t Find a Club? Create One!

What if you can’t find a club on campus that really reflects your interests, though? Not a problem — you can create your own!

Every club on campus was originally started by students like you. Follow these simple steps to get started:

#1. What are Your Interests?

The first step in creating an on-campus club is identifying your passions. Consider your interests and hobbies, and think about how they can be transformed into a club. Whether it’s robotics, chess, photography, or community service, find something that genuinely excites you. A club centered around your passion will be more enjoyable. It will also help demonstrate your dedication and commitment to the college admissions officers.

#2. Do Your Research

Before diving into the process of creating a club, conduct thorough research to ensure there isn’t an existing club with the same (or similar) purpose. Check with your school’s administration or visit the school website to gather information on current clubs. If a similar club already exists, consider joining it instead of starting a new one. This can still provide valuable experience and demonstrate your interest in the subject matter.

#3. Write Down Your Goals

A clear mission statement and a set of goals are essential for any successful club. The mission statement should describe the purpose of the club, while the goals should outline the club’s objectives and what it hopes to achieve. This information will help guide the club’s activities. It will also make it easier to explain the club’s purpose to potential members and school administrators.

#4. Recruit Like-Minded Individuals

Once you have a solid foundation for your club, it’s time to recruit members. Seek out like-minded individuals who share your passion and interest in the club’s mission. Start by reaching out to friends, classmates, and acquaintances. Use social media and school bulletin boards to advertise your club and its goals. Remember: having a diverse group of members with different perspectives and skill sets will enrich your club experience.

#5. Find a Faculty Advisor

Many schools require clubs to have a faculty advisor to oversee and guide their activities. Look for a teacher or staff member who shares your passion or has relevant expertise in the subject matter. A supportive and knowledgeable advisor can significantly impact your club’s success and help navigate any challenges you may encounter.

#6. Request Approval From Administration

Before officially starting your club, you’ll need to obtain approval from your school administration. This usually involves submitting a proposal that includes the club’s mission statement, goals, and information on potential members and advisors. Be prepared to answer any questions and address concerns that the administration may have. Gaining their support is crucial for the success of your club.

#7. Plan and Organize Meetings

Once your club is officially recognized, it’s time to plan and organize regular meetings and events. Meetings should be engaging and productive, with clear objectives and agendas. Encourage open discussions and active participation from all members. As for events, consider organizing workshops, guest speakers, fundraisers, or community service projects related to your club’s mission.

#8. Don’t Be Shy About Your Accomplishments!

As your club grows and evolves, be sure to document your accomplishments. Keep records of your club’s activities, meetings, and events, as well as any awards, recognitions, or achievements. This will be a compelling asset during the college admissions process. More than that, though, it will be nice to have as a reminder of the great times you had with your club!

Bonus Tip: Keep the Future in Mind

One bonus tip we have is to make sure the clubs you’re interested in are featured at the school of your choice. If archery is your bag, choose a school that has programs in place for that club, like events and competitions that could help further your goals. While this shouldn’t exactly be the determining factor for any school of your choice, it certainly can help with regard to scholarships and entrance essays. 

Lastly, try to remember that this is one of the most exciting times in your life. You could make lasting friendships or discover passions and skills that could inspire your future career. The sky’s the limit, so give it a try!