Paid for Grades is a not-for-profit organization supported by local businesses in the Tampa Bay area, working in partnership with the Pinellas Education Foundation. Our goal is to foster a generation of students imbued with the skills and confidence they need to reach their potential. This will set these students on a path toward professional and personal success throughout their lives.
Students helped by Paid for Grades since 2013
$1 Million+
Awarded to local students and schools
Average GPA increase among program participants
Improvement in student reading comprehension
Improvement in student reading proficiency
Paid for Grades provides supplemental tutoring to participating students, as well as resources for continued education.
Students who successfully complete the program receive a cash award, as well as the skills and confidence necessary to enable ongoing success in their academic and professional career.

Many students are initially enthusiastic about the prospect of receiving a cash award for their performance. Over time, they find that the skills and confidence developed through Paid for Grades is an even greater award!

Teachers and administrators see marked improvement in student academic and testing performance. Paid for Grades reinforces teachers’ efforts in the classroom, providing an immediate incentive that motivates students to succeed.

Community Partners
Are you interested in partnering with Paid for Grades to facilitate student success and build a stronger, more confident future for Tampa Bay? Click below and learn how you can help!

“The Paid For Grades program is an excellent motivational program for struggling ninth graders. I have been a part of Paid for Grades for the past seven years. This program has helped students improve their reading levels, learn how to have effective study groups, and gain self-confidence as a learner. Also, it gives them an opportunity to become a mentor in their senior year; to help give back by mentoring new ninth grade students entering the program.“
Brenda Hankin
Language Arts Teacher, Hollins High School
With the help of our local partners, Paid for Grades is transforming our community…one student at a time.
Find out how your business or organization can play a role today.