There Are Multiple
Ways You Can Get Involved!
Paid for Grades is a privately-funded educational aid organization financed by business leaders and private citizens in the Tampa Bay region. Our organization operates at an extremely low overhead ratio; thanks to an endowment from Chargebacks911, 100% of all funds contributed by our community partners go directly to support students and schools.

School Sponsor
Be the foundation on which the future of Tampa Bay is built. Participants are included in Paid for Grades promotional materials and press coverage. By participating, you receive marketable assets and other concrete benefits recognizing you as a valued partner.

School Co-Sponsor
By co-sponsoring a school, you’re helping dozens of students discover skills and abilities they may never have realized otherwise. Our school sponsors will be included in Paid for Grades promotional materials, and may see press coverage saluting their contribution.

Student Sponsor
When you sponsor an individual student, you literally transform a young person’s life for the better. At the end of the semester, you’ll receive a profile about a specific, individual student helped by your contribution.
Paid for Grades’ mission is to set students in our community on a path toward lifelong success. By working alongside local schools and educators, we provide the resources necessary to incentivize students to achieve more than they imagined possible.
Paid for Grades is a privately-funded, nonprofit organization financed by business leaders and private citizens in the Tampa Bay region. The program has grown each year since 2013.
We’re looking forward to continued expansion as well as finding additional community partners interested in supporting our mission. We’re looking for more business leaders and philanthropists in the State of Florida who are interested in helping us grow Paid for Grades to serve more students every year.
Please let us know if you would like to lend your assistance. With your help, we can build a brighter future for our children and our community.
Become a partner
Ready to lend a hand? Please let us know. With your help, we can build a brighter future for our children and our community.