So, you’re starting high school?

First of all… congrats! You have a lot to look forward to during the next four years. At the same time, though, this part of your life is going to lay so much groundwork for your future with new friends, hobbies, interests, and career prospects.

Even though all that new stuff is super exciting, it can be a little overwhelming, too. That’s why it’s important to have a plan right from the start!

On that note, here are our top ten tips to have an amazing freshman year:

#1. Become an Organization Ninja 📚

More subjects means more stuff to remember. You’ll have a lot more to stay on top of than you did in middle school. So, grab a planner, use an app, or set alarms. The best option will depend on what works for you, and whatever it takes to keep your homework and assignments in order.

#2. Master the Clock ⏰

Schoolwork, sports, hanging out with friends: keeping track of everything is like spinning plates! Learn to prioritize events. This means sorting out what’s super urgent, and which needs to be done right now, from what’s just kinda important, and can maybe be done later.

#3. Become a Studying Rockstar 🎸

You’re in high school now. That means tougher classes are going to be part of the deal. Don’t worry, though: you’ve got this! It’ll all be a lot easier if you can develop positive study habits from the start. So, find a chill spot to study, break the work into bite-sized pieces, and mix up your study style. Experiment with different approaches until you find one that works best for you.

#4. Join the Club(s) 🎭

Clubs, teams, school theater… no matter what you choose to do, as long as you get involved! You’ll blow off some steam, make some friends, and maybe even discover a new passion! Plus, colleges love seeing extracurriculars on your resumé.

#5. Raise Your Hand 🙋‍♀️

Hey, nobody said high school was easy, right? No one knows all the answers, so when you’re stuck, be sure to ask for help. Teachers, friends, tutors — there are a lot of people out there that can have your back.

#6. Build Your Squad 👫

Buddy up with your classmates and get to know your teachers. Both can make the high school rollercoaster a lot more fun. Plus, if you foster a particularly strong relationship with some of your teachers, they may be willing to write you a recommendation letter for college later on.

#7. Stay Healthy & Charged 🍎💪

A fit body and mind is crucial for top performance. So eat well, sleep lots, and move around. All work and no play makes for a dull freshman year… but by “play,” we mean more than just vegging out in front of the TV or gaming all night.

#8. Set Your Coordinates 🧭

Knowing where you’re headed can make the journey smoother. So set up some cool, achievable goals that appeal to you personally. Check in on your goals from time to time, gauge your progress, and maybe adjust or re-evaluate as needed. These will all be necessary to keep your journey on track.

#9. Explore the Unknown 🕵️‍♀️

High school is all about trying out new stuff. Maybe you’ll find your inner Picasso in an art class, or discover you’re the next soccer champ. 🎨⚽ Be brave, try new things, and make your experience count!

#10. Have a Blast! 🎉

Yes, high school’s about prepping for the future, but it’s also about having fun, finding out who you are, and making epic memories. Don’t get so bogged down in the day-to-day grind that you forget to step back occasionally and enjoy the ride! Remember: high school is a unique journey, and you’ll only get to live it once. Make it a trip worth remembering!